Updated Date 9/27/2023

A. California Consumer Privacy Rights (CCPA)

California law provides California residents with the following privacy rights:

Right to access personal information: Individuals exercising this right may request access to the categories and specific pieces of their personal information we have collected in the prior 12-month period. Individuals exercising this right may receive their personal information, when provided electronically, in a readily-usable format.

Right to deletion: Individuals exercising this right can ask us to delete their personal information we have collected, though we may be permitted to retain personal information for certain purposes.

Right to disclosure: Individuals exercising this right can receive additional information regarding the sources from which we collect information, the purposes for which we collect and share personal information, the information of theirs we hold, and the categories of parties with whom we share their information.

Right to opt out of sales: As permitted by applicable law, we may share your personal information for monetary or other valuable consideration (under California law, this is considered a sale). You may opt out of such a sale of your personal information to third parties. You can exercise your right to opt-out buy following instructions in Section 4 (OPT OUT).

Right to be free from discrimination: Users may freely exercise these rights without fear of being denied goods or services.

Currently, this law specifically applies to California residents. If you are a resident of California, and would like to exercise one of your rights please refer to Section 4 Your Choice: Opt-in or Opt-out. You may designate an authorized agent to request the exercise of one or more of these rights on your behalf. Please note all consumer requests are subject to verification and there may be circumstances where we do not honor your request, as permitted under the law. We may verify your request by asking for additional information about how you found out about Bishamon Media., who referred you to Bishamon Media, to make a request (which Publisher, Queries or Partner referred you to us) and which websites you made the same requests to; and we will need to be able to verify with that Publisher or Partner as to the validity of your request first. If you are using an authorized agent, such requests are subject to the same criteria.

B. Californias Shine the Light Law

Additionally, through Californias Shine the Light law, California residents who provide personal information in obtaining products or services for personal, family, or household use are entitled to either: (1) a list detailing the categories of information shared and the entities to which such information was provided; or (2) to be notified of a mechanism by which a consumer may opt-out of having their information shared with third parties. We have elected the second option. To opt-out of having your information shared with third parties, please see instructions in Section 4 (Your Choice: Opt-in or Opt-out.).

We know that you care how your information is used, and we appreciate your trust that we will use it carefully and sensibly. This notice describes our privacy policy. By visiting us, you are accepting the privacy policy.